WARNING : we, the people, won’t be tolerating rating bureaus much longer !

In december 2010, Standard & Poor’s unilaterally decided to reduce Belgium’s credit rating. The result ?

More than half the Belgian debt is controlled by local players, rich Belgian families and individuals, as well as the general public. Contrary to most other European States, Belgium thus seems somehow protected from the barbarians’ invasions.

Nonetheless, the interests of that debt have to be financed. That’s where the rating bureaus come in : basing their reviews on so-called rational economic parameters, they advise potential debt bonds investors about the level of risk they’re supposed to be taking.

Only : this is pure bullshit, speculation if you prefer… Fitch just anounced its intention to reduce the credit rating once more, due to the political instability our country is currently displaying, and this while our economy seems to be recovering better than that of our European neighbours. So, these rating bureaus are actually playing a political part : entire States – and their most fragile citizens with them, of course – are at the mercy of the decisions they make, favouring the wealthiest as well as the worldwide financial mafia.

When governments elected by the people can’t take the course they want to because a new economic totalitarism doesn’t allow them to make any choice of policy any more, one way or another, the situation becomes real messy… And we won’t have to wait too long for that “prophecy” to materialize !…

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May 2011

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